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The Aeonian Project

Synectics Technologies is developing The Aeonian Project which is a hybrid Tier-4 Plus (4+) off-grid green energy regional Hyperscale Data & High-Performance Computing Centre (DHPC) powered by 100MW of excess pre-transmission electricity from the government owned 600MW Karuma Hydro Power Plant (K-HPP) in Uganda.

This will make the proposed DHPC one of the largest data centres in Africa. The DHPC includes a 30MW capacity Artificial Intelligence facility which will be trained to autonomously manage the DHPC amongst other capabilities. Additional water cooling will be from the nearby River cooling while the evacuated heat will be used to provide hot water to the residential areas and to the proposed hospital which is part of Synectics’ Corporate Social responsibility to its Host Community.

Data transmission is through leased two (2) core dark fibre optic cables to link the facility with the company head office in Kampala (Uganda) for remote monitoring and to connect to the submarine cable in Kenya for connectivity to the rest of the world. The alternative arm of the cabling will provide data transmission to and from neighbouring land-locked countries.

The proposed service provision is in Artificial Intelligence, Colocation, Blockchain, Data Storage and On-Demand Cloud Computing. The Center will also provide Disaster Recovery Services (DRaaS) to existing data centres within the region.

Some of the project’s competitive advantages include the following:

  1. The excess off-grid energy is 100% green clean energy pre-transmission.
  2. The project is designed for net zero carbon operations.
  3. Globally competitive energy price.
  4. Environmentally friendly campus style hybrid architectural design combining both brick and modular systems allowing for near unlimited expansion capacity.
  5. The proposed DCCs will be hardware agnostic and allow for flexibility of equipment from OEMs.
  6. The processing cards will be fully flexible and can accommodate variations in service provision and quick technological upgrades.
  7. The processing cards will be liquid cooled further improving the current PUE efficiency of the project.
  8. There will be additional river water cooling from the river Nile which is about half a kilometre away from project location, improving the project WUE.
  9. The technological structure allows for scaling within limited time frames.

The project off-take is focused towards the global hyperscalers, content generators and other large scale end users in various sectors.

The project is expected to go onstream (in multiple phases) from the second quarter of 2025 (Q2 2025).

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Corporate Social Responsibility

The Apeiron Project

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